6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (2024)

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (1) 6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (2)

Verified by Natasha Caleel

MS in Occupational Therapy, BS in Kinesiology, Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, CrossFit Level 1 Coach

Table of Contents

  • What Causes Bra Back Fat?
  • 6 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Rolls
  • 4 Helpful Tips to Consider While Targeting Bra Back Fat
  • Final Words

Many women do not like the fat bulge around the back band of the bra, and it can affect a woman’s self-esteem and overall self-image. However, this can be prevented or minimized if some strategies are set in place.

In this article, we will discuss our top tips on how to tone the muscles of the back area and get rid of the fat on your back that sits under the bra.

What Causes Bra Back Fat?

Bra back fat and back rolls can be caused by several factors. Below, we briefly discuss the main ones.

Excess Body Fat

Carrying excess body fat is one of the main causes of back rolls. However, as fat tissue is rather soft, wearing clothing that has strings or straps can accentuate the bulge’s unpleasant appearance.

Reduced Skin Elasticity

Aging can also be a cause of back rolls or excess back fat that is made worse in appearance by a tight bra. This is because we tend to lose skin tone and elasticity as we age, which ultimately can lead to the formation of sagging skin. [1]

Wrong Bra Size

Wearing a bra that is too tight is not only uncomfortable but can make back fat more prominent. Regardless of your body composition, wearing a bra that is too tight can affect your appearance.

Muscle Atrophy

Lack of weight training combined with aging can cause atrophy of the muscles of the back, leading to decreased muscle tone and skin sagging. [2] [3] Needless to say, this can further accentuate the rolls on your back when wearing a bra.

However, this can be minimized as aging people can also tone up their bodies through exercise and appropriate nutrition.

6 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Rolls

The fat bulge formed on the back by the bra straps can be improved with bra bulge exercises that target the back and midsection.

Here is a list of 6 exercises that target the muscles underneath your mid-back fat that will help you get more defined. We also recommend adding some breast-firming exercises to your routine for well-rounded results and achieving more perky breasts.

#1 Renegade Rows

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (3)

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, place yourself in an extended plank position. Keeping your core tight and the whole body stable, lift one arm at a time to squeeze your lats.

Reps and sets

Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each side.

#2 Bent-Over Rows

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (4)

Stand on a handle band, holding a handle in each hand. You can also perform this exercise with dumbbells.

Hinge at the hips to move your torso forward. From this position, lower the handles down in front of your legs, then move them up to squeeze your back.

Reps and sets

Perform 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

#3 Rear Delt Raises

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (5)

Stand on a handle band, then take resistance band handles in the opposite hand. You can also perform this exercise with dumbbells.

Hinge your hips back to move your torso forward, parallel to the floor. With your palms facing each other and the arms extended down in front of your legs, open your arms to squeeze your back. Then move the arms back down to their starting position.

Reps and sets

Perform 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

#4 Narrow Push-Ups

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (6)

Place yourself in an extended plank, keeping your core tight. Put your hands inside the shoulders to achieve a narrow-grip position. Bend your elbows to lower your whole body to the floor, then push through your arms to move back into the starting position.

Reps and sets

Perform 4-5 sets of 6-10 repetitions.

#5 Spiderman

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (7)

Place yourself in an extended plank position. Maintaining a tight core, bring your right knee towards your right elbow until you feel the muscles on the side of your back and core contracting. Then move the leg back into its original position and repeat on the other side.

Reps and sets

Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each side.

#6 Side Plank Shoulder Rotations

6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (8)

Place yourself in a low side plank, using your forearm and knee for support. Grab a dumbbell with the other hand and position it on the floor in front of you at chest height. Lift the weight up in line with your body by rotating your shoulders externally and extending the arm, then move the dumbbell back into the starting position.

Reps and sets

Perform 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

The above workout requires minimal equipment and is designed to use only your body weight and a pair of dumbbells or a resistance band.

It should take around 45 to 60 minutes to complete the entire workout, depending on the number of repetitions and sets performed.

It is best to include these bra fat exercises in your training routine a minimum of 2 times per week in order to get rid of your back rolls faster. [4]

4 Helpful Tips to Consider While Targeting Bra Back Fat

The fat surrounding your bra can be reduced through targeted workouts. However, this is unlikely to generate the desired results if not paired with some lifestyle changes. This is because resistance training can help you tone up those muscles, but not necessarily tighten the skin or lose the excess fat.

Below you can find some helpful tips that will assist you in getting rid of bra back fat if paired with the exercises mentioned above.

Tailor Your Nutrition

If your back rolls are a result of excess body fat, you should first pair the above workout routine with an appropriate hypocaloric diet. Ideally, you should aim to eat fewer calories than you burn to encourage fat loss, with particular emphasis on the consumption of high-quality protein and whole foods.

However, make sure not to reduce your calories too much to avoid losing your curves. [5]

Increase Your Overall Activity Levels

Exercises specific to the back muscles are great for toning up that area. However, they may not be enough on their own, especially if the back rolls are due to being overweight or obese.

In this regard, along with a healthy diet, aim to increase your overall activity levels to further encourage changes in body composition and show off those hard-earned back muscles. [6]

Track Your Fitness Journey

Exercising is great, but for the best results, it is helpful to track your fitness progression to ensure you continue to challenge your body and give it the stimulus it needs to continue to see results. [7] Try a fitness app like FitCoach to do so accurately and effortlessly. Plus, seeing your progress over time will also help keep you motivated. [8]

Wear Seamless Bras…That Fit Right

As previously mentioned, wearing a bra that is too tight can exacerbate the look of fat bulges on your back. Moreover, some bra designs may also be less flattering than others.

For instance, seamless bras usually wrap your bust more flawlessly, as they are designed to hug one’s body in a way that no lines should be seen through clothing. Even then, ensure you pick the correct size to look your best.

Final Words

Back fat can be a cause of distress for many women, especially when wearing bras that dig into the skin, worsening the appearance of excess fat in that area.

Below you can find all the main points you should know about back fat and how to deal with it:

  • Back fat can be caused by excess body fat, loose skin from aging, back muscles that lack tone, or tight bras.
  • Resistance training that targets back muscles can help tone up the muscles in that area and improve the look of back rolls. Ideally, perform your back training routine a minimum of 2 times per week to achieve results.
  • Toning up the muscles may not be enough to get rid of unwanted back fat. Aim to pair your back-targeted workouts with a healthy diet rich in whole foods and protein, as well as higher activity levels to promote weight loss.
  • Wearing a bra of the correct size can do wonders when it comes to reducing the fat bulges on your back. Wearing a seamless bra that fits right, however, can further improve the look of your back thanks to its ability to wrap the body without digging into the softer parts of the torso.
6 Bra Back Fat Exercises to Minimize Bra Bulge - Welltech (2024)


How do you lose back fat and get rid of bra bulge? ›

Back Bra Bulge Exercises
  1. One-arm lat row with weight.
  2. Lat pull-down & reverse fly with band.
  3. Seated low row & high row with band.
  4. Bow & arrow with band.
  5. Side-lying shoulder trio with weight.
Jun 13, 2023

How to get rid of back fat with no equipment? ›

Reverse crunches are a great way to target back fat loss, but be sure to mix them up with other back exercises like cardio and strength training for the best results.

How to get rid of back fat rolls fast? ›

11 Effective Workouts to Lose Back Fat Quickly
  1. Reverse hip raise with exercise ball. In case you didn't know, an exercise ball is the best thing to bring to a quarantine. ...
  2. Side plank crunch. ● ...
  3. Kneeling side leg lift. ● ...
  4. Superman. ● ...
  5. Dumbbell (or kettlebell) swing. ● ...
  6. Cat-cow. ...
  7. Side lifts using dumbbells. ...
  8. Bent-over dumbbell rows.
May 7, 2023

How to reduce back fat for females at home? ›

6 Exercises to Lose Back Fat
  1. Pull-Ups. White recommends pull-ups to target the upper back muscles. ...
  2. LAT Pulldowns. This exercise works the largest muscle in the back, the latissimus dorsi. ...
  3. Seated Rows. ...
  4. Face Pulls. ...
  5. Bent-Over Rows. ...
  6. Cardio.
Oct 24, 2023

What is the best exercise for bra bulge? ›

Here are the recommended exercises for toning the bra bulge area:
  • Push-ups.
  • Upright Row.
  • Bar Front Raises.
  • Chest Flys.
  • Overhead Pullovers.

Why does my back fat hang over my bra? ›

The main cause of this issue is a lack of proper band support. The bra band should provide stability and support around your ribcage - when it's too big or too small, this can lead to what is known as 'back fat' or unwanted spillage over the edges.

What exercise works back fat? ›

Plank can be a great exercise to target back fat. For an added challenge to this simple and effective exercise, begin in a forearm plank, and then slowly move toward a side plank on your forearms. For a modification in side plank, use the knee closest to the ground as a sort-of kickstand.

How to get rid of back rolls under bra? ›

Pullups. A pullup is one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises you can perform. It works your entire back, namely your lats, which lie underneath that pesky bra bulge. Jump on the assisted pullup machine to build up your strength and become a pullup pro.

How to lose back rolls in 2 weeks? ›

A healthy, calorie-controlled diet and a regular regimen of cardio and strength-training exercise will whittle away lower back fat and love handles, and in two weeks' time, you may start to see a difference.

What causes upper back fat in females? ›

There are several causes of back and bra fat in women. It can be the result of the natural ageing process, a genetic predisposition to store fat in this area, or due to excess weight. As you age, your muscles lose strength and tone – known as atrophy of the back muscles.

How to lose bra bulge? ›

Bra fat exercises can be done with or without weights, depending on the individual's fitness level.
  1. Bent Over Dumbbell Rows. How to do it: ...
  2. Push-Ups with a Twist. The right technique: ...
  3. Standing T-Raises. Detailed step-by-step process: ...
  4. Lateral Plank Walks. ...
  5. Reverse Flys. ...
  6. Band Pull Aparts. ...
  7. Dumbbell Pullovers.
Oct 16, 2023

How long does it take to get rid of back fat? ›

How long will this take? Don't expect to see results from just one trip to the gym, or even two weeks. Losing fat through exercise alone can take about 6 months of consistent effort before you notice a big difference.

How to reduce back fat for female with equipment? ›

The Move: Lat Pull-Downs

How to: Sit at a lat pull-down machine and grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. Your arms should be straight and your torso upright. Pull your shoulder blades down and back, as you bring the bar to your chest. Return to the starting position.

Is there a way to get rid of bra bulge? ›

Planks are fantastic for strengthening your core and back. To make them more effective for reducing bra bulge, add a lateral arm raise. Begin in a forearm plank position, then raise one arm out to the side, keeping it parallel to the ground. Alternate between arms for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

How do I get rid of fat bulge under my breasts? ›

Aerobic exercise can help you burn enough calories to create the calorie deficit needed to begin to lose the fat under your breasts. Walking, step aerobics, jogging, swimming, biking and jumping rope are all effective exercises for getting rid of fat, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Does bra fat go away? ›

The pesky bra roll fat or armpit fat is actually breast tissue, not fat, which is why exercise isn't enough to make it go away. But Liposuction is a popular non-invasive treatment option for bra fat. It can be done alone or at the same time as another plastic surgery procedure.

Why do I have so much bra bulge? ›

You could be wearing the wrong cup size - If the cups on your bra are too full and your bra bulges then try wearing a bra with a bigger cup size - increase the cup letter size by one. As the bra/ band is graded to the cup size, the larger the cup the deeper the band so no overspill.


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