The Good Doctor Season 6 cast additions: Meet the 2 new actors joining ABC medical-drama series (2024)

ABC's The Good Doctor is set to return with a new season and two new faces. With the first episode of season 6, slated to be released on Monday, October 3, 2022, The Good Doctor's latest additions include actors Brandon Larracuente and Savannah Welch.

The Good Doctor Season 6 cast additions: Meet the 2 new actors joining ABC medical-drama series (1)

The Good Doctor is based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same name. It follows the journey of Dr. Shaun Murphy, an autistic surgeon with savant syndrome, after he makes it through the prestigious San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital in California.

Continue reading to find out more about the character details of Brandon Larracuente and Savannah Welch.

The Good Doctor season 6: Everything you need to know about the latest additions to the cast

The casting of Brandon Larracuente and Savannah Welch was announced in April 2022. The Deadline exclusive report noted that both Larracuente and Welch will be seen as new interns at St. Bonaventure hospital. Both actors have a chance to be promoted to series regulars after being introduced at the start of Season 6.

Brandon Larracuente as Daniel

Brandon Larracuente is an American actor known for his roles in Bloodline and 13 Reasons Why. Larracuente started out as a theater actor and featured in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and It's a Wonderful Life at the Orlando Repertory Theater.

His role in The Good Doctor is named Daniel. According to the Deadline report, Daniel is known to charm doctors and nurses alike, even with his interest in somewhat controversial alternative medicine. However, outside of the hospital, Daniel is a lone wolf and a mystery to his colleagues.

Savannah Welch as Danica

Savannah Welch is an American actor, musician and podcast host. She is the daughter of singer-songwriter Kevin Welch. Welch has featured in films like Boyhood, The Tree of Life, and the History Channel drama SIX.

Welch also portrayed Barbara Gordon in the third season of the HBO Max series Titans in 2021. She also has an uncredited role in season 5 of Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale.

Apart from acting, Welch is also a part of an alt-country music band called The Trishas. In 2016, Welch was hit by a car, which left her with an amputated right leg. Her role of ex-Marine Dawn, who lost her leg in an IED explosion in the second season of SIX, reflected on her real-life expereinces as well.

Larracuente and Welch will be seen alongside the main cast of Freddie Highmore as Dr. Shaun Murphy, Hill Harper as Dr. Marcus Andrews, Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman, Christina Chang as Dr. Audrey Lim, Fiona Gubelmann as Dr. Morgan Reznick, Will Yun Lee as Dr. Alex Park, Paige Spara as Lea Dilallo, Noah Galvin as Dr. Asher Wolke and Bria Samone Henderson as Dr. Jordan Allen.

More information about The Good Doctor series

The Good Doctor is an American medical drama television series that is based on the 2013 South Korean drama of the same name. The rights to the series were purchased by actor Daniel Dae Kim. It is produced by Sony Pictures Television and ABC Signature in association with production companies, Shore Z Productions, 3AD and Entermedia.

The series debuted in 2017, and despite mixed reviews for its storyline, it has been renewed for five more seasons over the years, with season 6 premiering on Friday, October 3, 2022. Season 5 saw Shaun marry Lea before the show concluded earlier this year.

Episode 1 of season 6 of The Good Doctor will premiere on ABC on Monday, October 3, 2022.

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The Good Doctor Season 6 cast additions: Meet the 2 new actors joining ABC medical-drama series (2024)


The Good Doctor Season 6 cast additions: Meet the 2 new actors joining ABC medical-drama series? ›

The Good Doctor Season 6 is adding two new interns to the St. Bonaventure staff. Brandon Larracuente (Party of Five, 13 Reasons Why) and Savannah Welch (Titans) will join the ABC medical drama in major recurring roles for the 2022-2023 season. (The series was renewed in March.)

Who are the new doctors on The Good Doctor season 6? ›

Audrey Lim, Fiona Gubelmann plays Dr. Morgan Reznick, Bria Henderson is Dr. Jordan Allen, and Noah Galvin is Dr. Asher Wolke.

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Noah Galvin, Summer Brown, Bria Samoné Henderson and Brian Marc will have recurring roles as new surgical residents this season.

Who is the new lady on The Good Doctor? ›

Paige Spara

Who is the new actor on The Good Doctor? ›

Jared Kalu. He will first appear in the March 6 episode, aptly titled “Old Friends.” In it, Dr. Kalu (Modu) makes a surprise return to San Jose's St. Bonaventure Hospital with his billionaire patient.

Has Good Doctor season 6 released? ›

In March 2022, the series was renewed for a sixth season, which premiered on October 3, 2022. In April 2023, ABC renewed the series for a seventh season. As of May 1, 2023, 116 episodes of The Good Doctor have aired, concluding the sixth season.

Is Good Doctor season 6 coming? ›

The sixth season of The Good Doctor was ordered on March 30, 2022 by ABC. It premiered on October 3, 2022, and concluded on May 1, 2023.

Which character is leaving The Good Doctor? ›

Actor Brandon Larracuente is leaving The Good Doctor after season 6 and joining a new show from Law & Order's Dick Wolf. The drama series, following Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) and other medical staff at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, premiered on ABC in 2017.

Who is leaving The Good Doctor? ›

Brandon Larracuente is departing ABC's The Good Doctor as a series regular. He could conceivably return as a guest star in the future, reprising his role as Dr. Daniel Perez. Larracuente was introduced in Episode 2 of the current sixth season of the medical drama, produced by Sony Pictures Television and ABC Signature.

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'The Good Doctor': Chuku Modu Returning as Dr. Jared Kalu in Season 6 – TVLine.

Who is leaving The Good Doctor 2023? ›

The Good Doctor's co-showrunner has opened up about the divisive Dr Danny Perez decision in the show's season 6 finale. The latest run of the ABC series wrapped up last night (May 1), and before it aired it was confirmed that Brandon Larracuente's character would be exiting after one season on the show.

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Actor Brandon Larracuente is leaving The Good Doctor after season 6 and joining a new show from Law & Order's Dick Wolf.

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Andrews looked to be on the verge of being fired in the finale. The negotiations with the nurses were complicated by his relationship with a nurse. In the end, he decided that his love life was more important than his career. He chose to resign.

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Broadway star and actor Jonathan Groff (Disney's Frozen, Netflix's Mindhunter) has been cast in the upcoming season of Doctor Who. Doctor Who returns this November with three special episodes as David Tennant returns, this time as the Fourteenth Doctor.

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In real life, Freddie does not have autism. Freddie does lots of research and works closely with an autism consultant to help him with his role. Season 4 of The Good Doctor premieres Monday, November 2 on ABC.

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Portrayed by:

Isabel Barnes is a doctor at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. She was the wife of Dr. Marcus Andrews, who is a surgeon and board member at the hospital.

Who plays the doctor in season 6? ›

The series stars Matt Smith as the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor, an alien Time Lord who travels through time and space in his TARDIS, a spacecraft whose exterior resembles a British police box. It also stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his companions, newlyweds Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

Who is leaving The Good Doctor season 7? ›

TVLine can confirm that Brandon Larracuente, who plays Dr. Danny Perez, will not be returning to the ABC medical drama on a full-time basis for Season 7.

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The Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor opens with a multi-car crash involving Dr. Danny Perez, who is working on a patient in an ambulance when the accident takes place. A recovering opioid addict, Perez emphatically refuses pain medications—but despite his urgent protests, his on-off love interest, Dr.

Why was Melendez written out of The Good Doctor? ›

"We wanted to lose a character that we would feel something about, and feel pain about," Shore told Deadline, "and certainly, he's a character that so many of them have been in touch with." And Dr. Melendez's death was certainly impactful. In previous seasons, he had developed deep relationships with many characters.

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As of now, Dr. Glassman will remain a series regular as we wait to learn more about his current situation (and just how that dire mistake could have been made).

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The death of Neil Melendez took viewers by surprise. Critically injured in an earthquake, he succumbed to severe internal injuries and died just one episode later. But before he died, he confessed his love for Claire in one of the most, if not the most, heartbreaking moments of the medical show.

Will Dr. Glassman be in season 7? ›

Alongside Highmore, the “Good Doctor” cast includes Hill Harper as Dr. Marcus Andrews, Richard Schiff as Dr. Aaron Glassman, Fiona Gubelmann as Dr. Morgan Reznick, Will Yun Lee as Dr.

Is Dr. Glassman in season 6? ›

Dr. Glassman had a few things to deal with in season 6: working through the aftermath of a second divorce while supporting newlyweds Shaun and Lea; stabilizing the relationship with Dr. Lim and Shaun; providing counsel for Noah and helping Jared come back to the hospital.

Is Good Doctor season 6 the last one? ›

The Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor is just days away, but fans don't have to wait until the episode on May 1 for news of a big change coming ahead of Season 7. A series regular is on the verge of departing the ABC medical drama, which should shake things up for the 2023-2024 TV season… for better or worse.

Will Jared return to The Good Doctor? ›

Chuku Modu Returns To 'The Good Doctor', Reprising Dr. Jared Kalu Role - IMDb. Exclusive: Look who's back! In a return five years in the making, original The Good Doctor cast member Chuku Modu is set to recur on the current sixth season of the ABC medical drama, reprising his role as Dr.

Will there be season 7 of good doctor? ›

“The Good Doctor” has been renewed for a seventh season at ABC ahead of its Season 6 finale. The medical drama, which debuted in 2017, stars Freddie Highmore as Dr.

Has The Good Doctor been renewed for 2023? ›

ABC continues to shore up its lineup for the 2023-24 season. The network has picked up a seventh season of its medical drama The Good Doctor, marking the third renewal in as many days for the network. Earlier in the week, ABC renewed The Rookie and Will Trent for 2023-24.

Who plays the Doctor in season 6 of Doctor Who? ›

The series stars Matt Smith as the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor, an alien Time Lord who travels through time and space in his TARDIS, a spacecraft whose exterior resembles a British police box. It also stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his companions, newlyweds Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

Who is leaving The Good Doctor in season 6? ›

Perez Gets Written Off in the Season 6 Finale. He said goodbye in the Season 6 finale. The Good Doctor has said goodbye to Dr. Danny Perez, at least for now.

Who plays Katie on The Good Doctor season 6? ›

Elizabeth Hinkler: Katie Kunkler.

Who is leaving The Good Doctor in 2023? ›

Danny Perez leaving The Good Doctor? The answer is yes, Dr. Danny Perez (actor Brandon Larracuente) will not return to The Good Doctor Season 7 as a series regular, our sister site TV Line reported on April 28, 2023.

Which actor is leaving The Good Doctor? ›

Brandon Larracuente, who plays Dr. Danny Perez on “The Good Doctor,” will not return as a regular on the ABC drama's Season 7. The news came on Friday as he and Troian Bellisario of “Pretty Little Liars” sign on to Dick Wolf's police series, “On Call.”

Who is not returning to The Good Doctor? ›

TVLine can confirm that Brandon Larracuente, who plays Dr. Danny Perez, will not be returning to the ABC medical drama on a full-time basis for Season 7.

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Doctor Who returns in November 2023 with three special episodes featuring David Tennant as the 14th Doctor to coincide with the 60th anniversary.

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This article was written by SwagDud1.
Sixteenth Doctor
SpeciesTime Lord
First Full AppearanceDoctor Who: The Impact On Gallifrey
AppearancesSeries 17
Main ActorAnna Kendrick
1 more row

Who are the new characters in Doctor Who? ›

As was first confirmed in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, actors Sophie Ablett and Millie Kent have been cast in the series, to play currently unknown roles. Ablett has previously had roles in TV series Doctors and Taboo, as well as in the 2021 film A Brixton Tale.


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